Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

Small (But Tall) BookTuber Tag

Today, I’m just going to be doing my little Small Booktuber Tag

Liz over at Galactic Reads tagged me to do this like two months ago.

I finally have the time to fit it in, and as of this recording I now have two other videos that I've been tagged in, so I'm gonna try and start getting all of those out of the way.

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Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

Week One Wrap-Up December 2020 Reindeer Games Readathon: 1800 Pages Down!

This is the first time I've ever gotten a weekly reading update like this.

If you saw my TBR video from last week, you will know that I am taking place in the Reindeer Games Readathon over on the Shelf Space Discord, which I will link down there in that description box.

I am on Team Kevin McCallister, and as of the recording of this video, I don't really know how the team rankings stand, but from what I've been told, we're at least not in last.

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Writing Writing

My DEFINITIVE Supernatural 15-Season Tier Ranking **SPOILER-FREE*

Today I am going to be doing my definitive ranking of all 15 seasons of SUpernatural. I'm a little bit nervous about this video because this is my first attempt into really entering into the foray of fandom world.

I know that the Supernatural fam is pretty crazy. And I use the word "family" because Supernatural is really more of a family than a fandom.

All I really have to say about that, to be honest, is that I completely accept and embrace all opinions that might disagree with my ranking…

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Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

My FIRST TBR Video!!! 7,000+ Pages and Reindeer Games Readathon -- LET'S GO DECEMBER 2020!

Today I'm super excited because I am filming my very first TBR video!

Oh, my gosh, I have seen so many of these over the last couple of months and I am so excited to finally be able to have one of these of my own.

And just in case you are out there and you have no idea what TBR means, that is just "to be read," and this month I am taking place and the Reindeer Games Readathon over at the Shelf Space Discord, which I will link there down in the description box.

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Reaction, Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Reaction, Videos, Write On In, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

Some things really just never change. Except the thickness of your hairline.

If you are new to this channel, my name is Andrew, and this is the last of these little reaction videos that I have been making over these writing advice videos I made when I was much younger than I am now.

This has been kind of a crazy month here for me on YouTube with lots of these kind of reactions and self reflections and all this crazy stuff.

There's been laughter, there's been tears, but I finished my NaNo 2020 book, I finished going through my blog.

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Write On In, Creative, Writing, Writing Vlogs, Videos Andrew J. Stillman Write On In, Creative, Writing, Writing Vlogs, Videos Andrew J. Stillman

Forever Impacted: The Completion of National Novel Writing Month 2020

I hate NaNoWriMo.

I literally wonder how many people…

Today is literally day 15 for me.

It is November 14, but I started on October 31, because of all these stupid daily prompts that I'm doing.

And I've just had a love/hate with some character development this morning, because I've always, I guess, struggled to explain to non-writers how much writing a book affects them.

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Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction, Videos Andrew J. Stillman Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction, Videos Andrew J. Stillman

Why I stopped sharing my work (and why you should always keep going)

I have two other blog reaction videos, and at the moment I have two other video reaction videos of me just going through some of my old stuff; writings, and writing videos, and things that I've done in the past on my little journey to reconnect with myself through this National Novel Writing Month 2020 adventure.

So, I don't really want to waste too much time over here, because I know Lezlie, over at Nerdy Narrative, loves these videos so much.

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Videos, Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction Andrew J. Stillman Videos, Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction Andrew J. Stillman

The Best Writing Advice I Have Gotten (So Far)

Right now is the middle of National Novel Writing Month 2020, and I'm on this journey of self-discovery/self-reflection, as it influences the main character of the book that I am writing for National Novel Writing Month 2020.

Today I'm going to be continuing my little revisit of my first ever blog, that I had from 2012, when I first did National Novel Writing Month,

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Write On In, Writing, Writing Vlogs, Videos Andrew J. Stillman Write On In, Writing, Writing Vlogs, Videos Andrew J. Stillman

Novel Impact: #NaNoWriMo, Week One

I just shaved my face for the first time in, like, six years, so this is what I look like in my 30s.

I have some thoughts.

First of all, I just got out of the shower, so, my face is cold. It was very strange to feel water actually on it, but I also think that I kind of look good.

It's weird that’s, like, my smile.

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Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction, Videos Andrew J. Stillman Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction, Videos Andrew J. Stillman

NaNoWriMo Writing Advice, circa 2014

Today, I’m gonna be reacting to the first time I tried to give writing advice six years ago during National Novel Writing Month 2014. 

NaNo 2012 was the first time I participated in all of this, which was what that last reaction video was about. 

I don't know, I’m excited about today, so I’m not even gonna waste any time. 

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Videos, Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction Andrew J. Stillman Videos, Write On In, Creative, Writing Advice, Writing, Reaction Andrew J. Stillman

Reacting to my first blog/first time I did #NaNoWriMo in 2012

Those of you who have been around, or those of you who have seen my Novel Impact trailer that I made, know that I’m sharing my National Novel Writing Month novel kind of “live,” I guess.

I don't know, but I’m trying to reconnect with parts of myself, and I’m trying to be a little bit more vulnerable, and I’m trying to find parts of myself that didn't care so much about what other people thought.

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Writing, Videos, Write On In Andrew J. Stillman Writing, Videos, Write On In Andrew J. Stillman

#AuthorTubeNewbie Tag -- Just who AM I as a writer?

Just for those of you who do not know, I’ve essentially created a book from scratch.

My friend gave me some random genres, I put them in a generator, and it came out with dark fantasy. From there, I've basically just used the "rules" of constructing a novel to make said book through a series of tutorials.

Next month, I'm going to keep you up to date with that through a weekly writing vlog.

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Time to Write a Book Together! Let's Get Ready for National Novel Writing Month 2020!

I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank those of you who have already liked, shared, commented, and, most importantly, subscribed to this channel. Going forward, I'm going to take a moment on the last Thursday of every month to pause, thank those of you who support me, reflect on where I've been, and discuss what I have planned next.

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