My Books

A Brief Overview Of my Works In Progress

Word on the street is, I write books.

Well, maybe that’s not the word on the street, but it’s just the truth. I’ve been attempting to write books since I was seven years old. I even tried to write one in French when I took it in high school. Books and stories were and are my lifeblood.

So, where are these books?

On every internal and external hard drive I’ve owned since I was 18, printed up in various stages in folders on my desk, a few in proof copy form, one that can maybe still be found floating around somewhere on the internet that I published a little prematurely during my early 20’s when I was impatient and didn’t understand life, and a full draft of one I wrote from scratch here.

What’s Next?

Well, according to January 1st of every year, this will be the year I either find an agent or an editor, sell one of my manuscripts, or finish one clean enough for self-publication. Every year is a gamble, maybe the year you read this will be the one (or maybe it’s already happened!)

Either Way…

Poke around a little more below to learn more about the manuscripts I have in progress. Beneath the overviews, find a link to a specified blog roll for each book for updates, behind-the-scenes information, and announcements for official release dates as they happen

 Book FAQs

my Books

The Fires of Hell

The Fires of Hell is the first book in The Objects of Inwit saga, and it was formerly known as Immortality Awaits.

On Earth, Donovan Carter begins to relive childhood nightmares that lead him back to where he was born to face his inner demons. In a mirror world called Appraethea, Druin Sativinda battles the chains his father imposed upon him throughout his life.

Each of them are destined for the Power of Fire, one of four Powers of Inwit that control the element in its entirety. As Donovan and his friends travel to Appraethea to fulfill their destinies as Holders of the Powers of Inwit, they find more than what they bargained for when there’s an entire world already waiting to destroy them.

The Awakening (Working Title)

The Awakening is the working title of the third book in The Objects of Inwit series. It carries on after the betrayals that are revealed throughout the second and focuses on Logan Waldgrave and Harokin Jattikuska as the main Holders telling the story. This novel has yet to be written.

Marked (Working Title)

Have you ever felt like your job was sucking out your soul? Well… what if it was?

That is the exact reality Emery Skye must face in my horror/thriller novel, The Infestation. When Emery gets a job at a local restaurant, she has no idea what she’s in for when people start to make jokes about selling her soul.

After finding out there’s a demon living beneath the restaurant feeding on the souls of employees, she embarks on a race against time to stop the beast before it silenes her forever.

The Power of Creation (Working Title)

The first time it happened, Octavio Orfe-Teasel thought he was losing his mind: He wrote something down, and it happened.

After poking around a little, Octavio discovers that he has the ability to bring anything he writes down to life, but only if it’s written by his hand. At that, he discovers there are other people in the world whose abilities mirror his, albeit with different talents here and there.

What starts as a fun exploration of the mind quickly turns into a dangerous exploration of what it truly means to bear the power of creation…

Tides of Darkness

Tides of Darkness is the second book in The Objects of Inwit saga.

This book follows Kaylee Mulland and Alvara Lacorno, both destined for the Power of Water (and one of them with the Power of Ice.) Emotions are running high after the events in the first book, and the Holders of Inwit discover those they considered friends might not be so, and those they considered enemies might help them more than they initially thought.

In a story full of twists, turns, heartache, and betrayal, Tides of Darkness sets up the war that the final two books of the series will cover as the remaining Holders of Inwit all come into their prospective powers.

The Chorus of War (Working Title)

The Chorus of War is the working title of the fourth and currently final book in The Objects of Inwit series. It is predominately the culmination of the war and all of the powers coming together. Gabrielle Martinez and Navidia Haroska take a lot of the attention here, though they get more at the end and the final book sees more of everyone. This novel has yet to be written.

The Fight To Save the Future (Working TItle)

This is the book you can read in full right here. I initially wrote it as a from-scratch novel on my Get Write On In YouTube channel and is still a work in progress.

The story follows Vaeda, who has lost his sight and found himself trapped in a cave beneath the city. He befriends others he encounters in the cave, although not everyone is who he thinks.

A battle of trust ensues as all of the captives race to find their way out of the cave, only to find some of them are trapped there for good reason.

Further reading

The Fires of Hell (Formerly Immortality Awaits)