How to Confidently Create an Extraordinary Headline
If you are anything like me, coming up with titles and headlines is one of the worst things about being a writer.
How do you make it clickable?
Or capture the essence of the entire post in a few words?
Give away everything without saying a single thing at the same time?
There are many formulas out there to help you “craft the perfect headline,” but here are five tips that (hopefully) don’t stress you out too much.
Use Power Words to Enhance Intrigue
You don’t have to be a copywriter or a blogger to make use of Power Words.
Power words speak to psychological or emotional triggers within the reader.
For example, if you’re a book blogger (or YouTuber,) you can say something like “MASSIVE BOOK UNHAUL.”
“Massive” is the power word intended to drive the interest — just how big is this unhaul?
Check out this OptinMonster article that breaks down and offers over 700 different Power Words. Categories include Greed Words (like “fortune” and “whopping”), Curiosity words (like “backdoor” and “myths”), Slot Words (like “freebie” and “quick”), Lust Words (like “desire” and “pleasurable”), Vanity Words (like “elegant” and “sensational”), Trust Words (like “genuine” and “money back”), Anger Words (like “brutal” and “obnoxious”), and Fear Words (like “panic” and “trap”).
This is obviously only one article containing 700 of a million options, but spend some time with power words. Whether you’re trying to sell something or not, they’re good words to familiarize yourself with conversation, either way. As a writer, it is always important to understand how we use the words we do — whether to be to influence or coerce.
Choose Emotional Words That Speak to the Reader
Outside of “power words,” think of emotionally-charged words that could help you deliver your point, too.
The use of “power words” is meant to drive emotional response from the reader in the first place.
Linked is an article from VeryWellFamily that alphabetically covers emotional words. Words like “affectionate,” “compulsive,” “frustrated,” “humble,” and “quirky” are a few examples off the bat.
When you combine emotional words with power words, you’re simply continuing the influence the reader to click on the title. The content within the post means next to nothing if people aren’t interested enough to click on the post in the first place.
Offer Solutions to the Question Presented
Let’s say you’re driving down the road and you find yourself with a flat tire.
Maybe you’re a mechanic, or maybe you’re knowledgeable with cars.
Then again, maybe you’re not.
So there you are, on the side of the road, and maybe you haven’t set up or repaid for your AAA.
Then you may come across an article (or video) titled “How to Change a Tire.”
See where I’m going with this here?
If your post has an answer to a common question, try putting the solution found in your piece in the title. “How to” articles, specifically, are great for this. No matter what you’re offering advice on, somebody out there needs it. If you can convince the reader that you’ll help them — via your headline — you’ve already earned their trust.
Try Out Multiple Headlines
It may come as a shock to some of the newer writers out there, but it is not often that one simply sits down and busts out a headline.
In fact, you should always try out a few. Play with the power words. Mix and match the emotional responses. Oscillate between a “how to” piece verses offering a solution in other ways.
For me, the headline and title is one of the biggest headaches that comes with the territory. Part of the reason for the headache is the vitality of having a clickable headline.
Use a Headline Analyzer
You don’t have to go through this alone.
For copywriters using WordPress, I recommend downloading the Yoast SEO plugin.
I’ll talk more about this specific plugin in an upcoming video, but one of the features that comes with it is a headline analyzer.
If you don’t use WordPress, or don’t want this plugin, a simple Google search for “headline analyzer” will land you on a bunch of options.
A strong, healthy headline is one of the most important key elements you'll need to driving people to your content.