NaNoWriMo is DOOONE! ...Now What?
I am elated.
This has been a crazy month for me, I’ve seen so many things about how crazy this has been for everybody else.
It’s been so fun!
Today’s prompt is also kind of a prep for the future:
What next?
What is the status of your novel?
Is it complete, whether you hit that 50,000 word mark or not?
And while we’re on that topic, I’d like to leave you with this:
Every day is a writing day.
Every month is a writing month.
If you set out to hit that 50,000 and you didn’t make it, the most important thing to do is KEEP WRITING!
NaNo is there to get you into the habit of writing daily, so please don’t be hard on yourself if you didn’t “win.”
Any words produced are words you brought into this world, so as soon as December 1 hits tomorrow, make sure you get write on in to your daily session anyway!
See you… well, not tomorrow!
My Response
Well, I am certainly read to take a break from this book before I even bother coming back to it. This was a wild experience, and there’s some material I think I can work with in here, but it needs to go to sleep for a while. I’d love to spend some time developing more of the land and the cities and the world and everything. I can’t even believe that’s something I just said. Worldbuilding is my least favorite, but it might not be so bad for this one.
It’s weird, I was ready for this journey to be done, but now I’m sad that it is. Vaeda and his company of misfits trapped in a cave were quite the interesting band of characters to hang out with. It was a similar and yet different story to what I usually write. There were some themes that I’m used to writing, and others that challenged me. The weirdest thing, as usual, was being under a camera the entire time.
Besides the reread of this, I think it’ll be fun to look back and watch all of these videos one day. Every single second of it has been recorded, and that’s an idea I’ve always played with in the back of my mind. Vaeda was one of the most vulnerable characters I’ve ever had, because he was the one who chose to share himself from the start. He wanted people to accept him, flaws and all, and he picked up on that aspect of me as the author. I’ll never forget what I learned from him.