Feeling Emotional During #NaNoWriMo? #GetWriteOnIn to a fix with This #WritingPrompt
Whether you’re in National Novel Writing Month 2020 or not, we’ve all been stuck in the hell that is 2020 either way.
Most of us have experienced every emotion under the sun this year.
Some of us experienced those emotions for the first time.
Writers always strive to find ways to evoke emotions, whether they be for joy or anger or sadness, or anything else in between.
I’ve talked before about treating the setting of your story like a person.
Today, we’re going to further that idea once more by assigning an emotion to our setting and describing it.
How does the city, or building, or cruise ship, or wherever you are actually feel?
If it were a person you were able to have a conversation with, what would be the strongest emotion evoked from the surroundings of your characters?
Let that emotion guide you as you get write on in to your daily session.
See you tomorrow!
My Response
The caves of the Lanniswell Hollow are just as sad and depressed as the energies they emit. If they could speak, they’d cry within a minute. All they feel is the pain of the souls that wander through them. All they know is despair and grief. If this cave were a person, it would be the one nobody would want to spend any time with.
But if the Lanniswell Hollow were able to speak for itself, it would be full of defense. It wouldn’t ask to absorb the pain of everybody else. It doesn’t want the empathetic energies that are forced within its walls. If anything were left up to them, everything would be different. The halls within it would be full of light and love, not of the darkness that fuels it as it does not.
Nobody would ever let the Hollow speak, though. It is reserved for those cast from society. It is treated as the lowest of the low in and of itself, when the only crime it ever committed was existing under the city of Raelevarre. If only the prisoners within the Hollow knew how much it shared their feelings. If only it could give them any reason to feel some semblance of hope.