The Best Way to Spend 4 Days in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta should easily be on everyone's "must visit at least once" bucket list.

As for me, I headed there for a visit thanks to a press trip hosted by the Cross Border Xpress. I've been writing for RAGE Magazine in San Diego since August 2021, so when they offered me the trip, I couldn't say no!

You can check out the article for the magazine here.

Additionally, I am currently working on write-ups for all of the individual experiences I had on this trip. From staying at the Grand Miramar to sailing with Vallarta Adventures for both the Luxury Yacht and Snorkel Tour and the Rhythms of the Night experience, this whirlwind of a trip deserves a bigger breakdown.

And the food?

Get out of here!

Thanks to Vallarta Food Tours, we experienced some of the best local tacos. Vallarta 101 taught us all about the local history. And I'll certainly never forget our raicilla tasting at La LuLu with Chef Memo Wulff.

Of course, Puerto Vallarta is heavily known for one thing: The boys.

I couldn't help but blast Lady Gaga's "Boys, Boys, Boys" basically everywhere I went.

The tropical atmosphere found in Puerto Vallarta is also something of a spectacle, and it makes it all the better when you pair it with the hottest men I've ever seen in my life.

While I don't think I'll make it to the 2022 event, I heavily plan on attending next year's Puerto Vallarta Pride. If the bars were as packed as they were on a random Wednesday in February, I could only imagine how crazy it is when it's filled to the brim with men from every corner of the world. Hopefully I'll be able to stay at the Almar Resort so I can be right in the thick of the action!

Apart from the above article and the upcoming individual posts, feel free to check out my vlog of the experience!

Have you ever been to Puerto Vallarta? Or is it still a place on your list to cross off? Let me know about your experiences or what you hope to do when you visit down in those comments!


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