
Writing Experience

Yoga Journal

With the Yoga Journal, I worked with the editors to formulate both ideas and execution of various articles, including poses geared for taller yogis and an article about what it’s like teaching naked yoga.

The ADvocate

The Advocate is one of the leading publications for gay news and entertainment. I’ve written about various “trailblazers of Pride” for them, but most of the work I have done has been for their sister sites Out, Pride, and HIV Plus.


I write about the latest gay news and current events for Pride.com as well, but the bulk of what I do here is an SEO update project. This mostly entails going through old articles and adding something new and fresh to them to put them back in the Google rankings. I’ll also occasionally interview people and do “things that happen when…” type of posts.

RAGE Magazine

RAGE Magazine is a local gay magazine in San Diego. Through them, I get to talk to celebrities like Jonathan van Ness and Ben Platt, as well as interview various people on Broadway productions for San Diego Broadway.

What Now Media Group

What Now Media Group focuses on upcoming brick-and-mortar stores and required a heavy line of research to get the job done. I produced four articles per day while working here, all of which included interviews with upcoming business owners, scouring for building permits and alcohol licenses, and creating partner alerts for the company partners to assist with the new business owners.

BBC Travel

With BBC Travel, I worked with the editor to find sources for the information provided and wrote an article about the history of the LGBTQ+ movement in San Diego. I interviewed local business owners and regular locals to get the information needed.


I write about the latest gay news and current events for Out.com, as well as do roundup posts for topics of interest in the LGBTQ+ world. Every so often, I’ll also get to interview people, but most of the interviews I conduct are through other publications I write for.

HIV Plus

HIV Plus gave me my first taste of writing in the medical field, and I’ve learned a lot from it. While I do get to occasionally interview people, most of what I do here revolves around the latest news for HIV and other STIs while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Epik Media

The Momentum under the Epik Media branch in San Diego focuses on sustainability, and during my time here, I wrote about the most sustainable and memorable restaurants in the San Diego area.

Monterey Bay Food Tours

Monterey Bay Food Tours was my first long-term writing opportunity that was ultimately terminated due to the pandemic. While I was here, I talked to tour partners to do personalized pages on them, wrote about the top things to do in the Monterey area (I’m still #1 on Google search for Monterey Coffee and Monterey Breweries) and was able to experience a lot of aspects of the food world, including bottling wine and becoming a tour guide myself.

Full Links

Yoga Journal

BBC Journal

The Advocate


HIV Plus

What Now Phoenix


Rage Magazine

Epik Media

What Now Denver

What Now Atlanta

Monterey Bay Food Tours