welcome to andrew j. stillman

What’s going on, everybody? Welcome to my home base! Whether you’re looking for writing advice, writing services, travel tips and recommendations, or yoga classes, you’ve come to the right spot.

Sound like a lot going on? It is! Browse below for an overview of everything I offer, then click around up top to explore anything in more detail.

Thanks for stopping by!

what do I do?

Thanks for asking, and an ever-changing answer. Click around below for an overview of my services, and be sure to visit the Services page for more details.

Who am I?

I’m a 6’6 mountain man born and bred in Yosemite with a huge imagination, an insane amount of ambition, and a lot of tenacity in between that allows me to add an ever-growing list of projects to my schedule.

I care about the growth of the people I work with and curating experiences they’ll never forget.

Whether you’re wanting to deepen your writing practice or hire me to write something for you, create an itinerary to see the world, or connect more with your breath and body, I’ve got you.

So What’s Going On Around Here?


Outside of my writing services, I also write a lot on my own.

Under the writing tab above, you can enjoy…


If you’re anything like me, you’ve been bit by the travel bug and your wanderlust has you aching to see every corner of the world.

In the travel section, you can…


Whether it be fitness, entertainment reviews, music, or interviews, it’ll be explored in the lifestyle section.

Some of this is still under development, but here, you can…

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