Do I Even Know How to Write Anymore?

Well, damn, it’s already the end of January 2024, which means we’re headfirst into another year with a load of…whatever. Honestly, some years are better than others, and the last four have been a whirlwind for everybody. It’s just crazy that, three years ago, time seemed to be crawling by for everyone while we were under lockdown and isolation. Now, time has gone back to its blink-and-you’ll-miss-it pace and it’s hard to keep up.

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Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

The Shadow Self

The first image I ever had in my mind that made me want to write Immortality Awaits was that of a shadow, which eventually made its way into two shadows known as Varnio and Xandio.

I saw Xandio floating above a group of people, sticking to the ceiling with his long, tattered black robe swaying in a gentle breeze as various lightning flashes illuminated him.

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Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

The Discovery of Lowell, Massachusetts

In a place called Lowell, in the state of Massachusetts, one can find a quaint, beautiful, perfect, everybody-in-their-life-should-experience-it-at-least-once town.

This town plays a major backdrop for Immortality Awaits, and even though it's only in the beginning of the novel, my discovery of it was something I never expected.

The random, fateful story of events goes like this:

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