Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

The Shadow Self

The first image I ever had in my mind that made me want to write Immortality Awaits was that of a shadow, which eventually made its way into two shadows known as Varnio and Xandio.

I saw Xandio floating above a group of people, sticking to the ceiling with his long, tattered black robe swaying in a gentle breeze as various lightning flashes illuminated him.

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Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman Books, Immortality Awaits, Writing Andrew J. Stillman

The Discovery of Lowell, Massachusetts

In a place called Lowell, in the state of Massachusetts, one can find a quaint, beautiful, perfect, everybody-in-their-life-should-experience-it-at-least-once town.

This town plays a major backdrop for Immortality Awaits, and even though it's only in the beginning of the novel, my discovery of it was something I never expected.

The random, fateful story of events goes like this:

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