Yoga, Yoga for Grief, Yoga Practice Andrew J. Stillman Yoga, Yoga for Grief, Yoga Practice Andrew J. Stillman

Yoga for Grief: Depression

I’ll be the first to say that depression is hard to deal with, whether you’re in the grief cycle or not. It’s a monster all on its own, and it attacks some people more than others. It’s a thief in the night and can strike at any time, and though some people are able to let go of their depression quickly, others may end up getting lost in it.

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Yoga for Grief, Yoga, Yoga Practice Andrew J. Stillman Yoga for Grief, Yoga, Yoga Practice Andrew J. Stillman

Yoga for Grief: Bargaining

So often, we get wrapped up in thoughts of “why” when tragedy strikes. Why did this happen to us? Why did this happen to them? Why does this hurt so much? These questions are a journey within and of themselves, and can frequently lead to trying to bargain with the Powers That Be, whatever that may mean to you, to try and change the sequence of events.

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