#GetWriteOnIn to Your Word Count with This Story Prediction #WritingPrompt

If you are stuck on your storyline on day 5 of National Novel Writing Month, I have the prompt for you.

If you are stuck on your storyline and you are not on day 5 of National Novel Writing Month…

I still have the prompt for you.

I’ve also got you for setting and character prompts, but not today.

Today, we are going to talk about story predictions.

Almost a week in, how has your story changed, if at all, from what you’d thought before you began?

Do you think it will change before the end of the month?

Are these changes you’re allowing and embracing openly, or ones you’re trying to fight off?

The story takes on a life of its own after a while, and there’s nothing wrong with that in a general sense.

You’ve just got to be careful to prevent it from getting too far off track.

But make some predictions, have some reflections, and then get write on in to your story.

See you tomorrow!

My Response:

So far, this story has just been a wild ride from the start. Everything about it has been kind of shocking to me, but all in a good way. Now that I’m finally able to really get into the story and explore it, I’m finding that it’s shaping itself pretty closely to my expectations, if not perhaps exceeding them just a little bit. I didn’t realize how much Piranesi was going to end up influencing this, but it has definitely made a mark on the writing of this story. It excites me that it isn’t all blowing up in my face, considering what I’m doing.

There are times, though, when I’m having a harder time connecting with what’s going on. My character, and all of the characters with him, can’t see anything. That’s fun in some ways, because I feel like I’m developing the characters through their energies instead of their physical traits. It’s just difficult because I have to paint a picture without actually using any color. I watched a lot of blind videos before I started this, so I’m hoping it’s helping, but I’m really interested to see how that develops throughout the rest of this book.

I embrace every change that comes along the way. It’s weird, any time I think there’s something that’s changing from the original, I head back to my chapter-by-chapter analysis and find that it hasn’t really changed at all. Writing it out like that in the first place got me connected to it on a deeper level. That connection makes subconsciously writing it all that much easier. Hopefully I feel the same way by the time this is all finally over.


You'll #GetWriteOnIn to Setting Development with This #WritingPrompt


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